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NRJ Media Group

Michael Grillo

NRJ Media Group
NRJ Media Group
Michael Grillo

Young Frankenstein, Body Heat, The Big Chill, Defending Your Life, The Deer Hunter, Saving Private Ryan, Gladiator, Ant-Man, Captain America: Winter Soldier, The Avengers: Infinity Wars AND Endgame…   

A small fraction of the blockbusters overseen by today’s guest on MOVIES WITH… — Former DreamWorks Executive, legendary producer, Michael Grillo!  Michael relays his rise from the Universal mailroom to his decades of working alongside A-Listers such as Steven Spielberg, Lawrence Kasdan, Mel Brooks, how he coordinates those hundreds of names in the end credits — and how he’s secretly, physically linked to The Six Million Dollar Man!  

Hollywood legend Michael Grillo on today’s MOVIES WITH…